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Finále XVII. Newfoundland FedCup Hradec nad Moravicí /  25.05.2024( CZ )
judge:  Mgr. Naděžda Střalková (CZ)

3. místo
XVII. Newfoundland FedCup

Klubová výstava Hradec nad Moravicí /  25.05.2024( CZ )
judge:  Ilona Kroos (D) - psi+BOB, Beatrice Schiatti Zancan (I) - feny
class:  open
2 years old in correct condition, dark brown eyes, correct bite, strong topline, excellent angulations, very well boned, correct movement, very well groomed and handled, very nice temperament
XVII. Newfoundland FedCup

Klubová výstava s KV Hradec nad Moravicí /  24.05.2024( CZ )
judge:  Beatrice Schiatti Zancan (I) - psi+BOB, Ilona Kroos (D) - feny
class:  open
Very masculine, excellent type, strong male with important head, correct expression, enough neck, excellent bone, chest is correct, excellent angulation for rear, excellent coat quality with slight waves on the top, movement is easy and smooth with excellent reach, excellent general conditions, excellently handled, easy temperament
V1, CAC, Club Winner CZ, BOS
XVII. Newfoundland FedCup