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Klubová výstava Hradec nad Moravicí /  25.05.2024( CZ )
judge:  Ilona Kroos (D) - psi+BOB, Beatrice Schiatti Zancan (I) - feny
class:  junior
18 months old perfect sized male, typical strong head, eye set could be a little bit better, correct bite, strong topline, excellent angulations, for the size perfect bones, correct movement, perfect groomed and handled, very nice temperament
V1, CAJC, Junior Club Winner A/PL/SK/VND
XVII. Newfoundland FedCup

Klubová výstava s KV Hradec nad Moravicí /  24.05.2024( CZ )
judge:  Beatrice Schiatti Zancan (I) - psi+BOB, Ilona Kroos (D) - feny
class:  junior
18 months, masculine type, nice expression, head isnt mature but very masculine, very elegant, correct angulation front and rear, solid top line, very nice silhouette, movement is smooth and easy with good reach, excellent condition and showing
V1, CAJC, Junior Club Winner CZ
XVII. Newfoundland FedCup