Klubová výstava s KV Hradec nad Moravicí / 24.05.2024

Klubová výstava s KV Hradec nad Moravicí
rozhodčí: Beatrice Schiatti Zancan (I) - psi+BOB, Ilona Kroos (D) - feny

Chewbacca Crazy Cliff
CMKU/NF/7137/23 / 28.12.2023

štěňat / PES / hnědá
otec: Made In Slovenia Family Joy
matka: Golden Girl Crazy Cliff
chovatel: Anita Vlčková, Trutnov (CZ)
majitel: Anita Vlčková, Trutnov (CZ)

4,5 months old, musculine and correct combination between muzzle and skull, good expression, good bones, correct and solid comfirmation for the age, puppy coat good in colour and quality, angulation in front and rear, movement free for the age, nice terperament and condition, well presented


Chance Crazy Cliff
CMKU/NF/7133/23 / 28.12.2023

štěňat / PES / hnědá
otec: Made In Slovenia Family Joy
matka: Golden Girl Crazy Cliff
chovatel: Anita Vlčková, Trutnov (CZ)
majitel: Jiřina Urbánková, Žlunice (CZ)

4 months old, brown, masculine in type, muzzle can be shorter, and more square, enough neck, sufficient bone, little overweight for age, very puppy looking, sufficient angulation, movement is easy, loosing weigh will improve the rolling


Dante B. Angels Gaboo
CMKU/NF/7141/24 / 2.1.2024

štěňat / PES / černá/čb
otec: Forrest Gump Crazy Cliff
matka: Angie Gaboo Alhaboom
chovatel: Lenka Fejtová, Hradec nad Moravicí (CZ)
majitel: Jaroslav Konečný, Kožlí (CZ)

4 months old, black, very masculine, good type, very important head, enough bones, very nice quality and propotion all over, movement is correct, but need more confidence in ring


Ursinus Velutus Mr Daybreakers
SLRNF-002263 / 16.10.2023

dorost / PES / černá
otec: Bowater's Paramount Here I Am at Daybreakers
matka: Ursinus Velutus Here I Go Again
chovatel: Oton Fantur, Ljubljana (SLO)
majitel: Maciej Ziólkowski, Kraków (PL)

6 months old, black male, in type, very good propotions all over, head has a lot of room to grow, elegant, enough angulation, sufficient bones, topline really solid, wonderful condition and preparation, movement very fluid and easy, very nice dog

VN1, Best puppy

New Knights Faundland Cronos of Mystery's
SPKP2385 / 2.3.2023

mladých / PES / černá/h
otec: King of Helluland Great I Am
matka: Njufort Ovation Goldie Knight
chovatel: Gabriela Benedeková, Dlhá (SK)
majitel: Eduard Rebro, (SK) + Gabriela Benedeková, Dlhá (SK)

14 months, musculine, good type, very young looking, even if the construction is solid with solid topline, correct expression, chest is narrow, even if he has time to go, enough bones for the size, enough angulation for a year, very well groomed, and well presented, very sweet temperament, movement is fluid with a good reach


New Knights Faundland Cassiodoro Lord Bear
SPKP 2388 / 2.3.2023

mladých / PES / černá/h
otec: King of Helluland Great I Am
matka: Njufort Ovation Goldie Knight
chovatel: Gabriela Benedeková, Dlhá (SK)
majitel: Laura Marazová, Nová Ves nad Váhom (SK)

14 months, masculine in type, eyes could be darker, head is in the middle of the growing, sufficient bones for the size, elegant, enough angulation front and back, solid topline, nicely presented, sweet temperament, ready for the play or the time, movement is okay today


Montego Savage Blow
CMKU/NF/7081/23 / 28.5.2023

mladých / PES / černá
otec: Golden Bear Eref
matka: I am Savage Blow
chovatel: Martin Dudek, Rýmařov (CZ)
majitel: Jaroslav Konečný, Kožlí (CZ)

12 months, masculine in type, very good size, eyes could be darker, in mature head that looks very important, neck is just enough, in the front little short upper arm, in the back angulation could be more generous, carriage of the tail is high, but generally talking is very nice looking dog, movement is playfull and nice to watch, lots of faults but nice looking dog


Maximus Savage Blow
CMKU/NF/7080/23 / 28.5.2023

mladých / PES / černá
otec: Golden Bear Eref
matka: I am Savage Blow
chovatel: Martin Dudek, Rýmařov (CZ)
majitel: Karel Kukleta, Brno (CZ) + Monika Kukletová, Brno (CZ)

11 months, in type nice styling, eyes could be darker, but correct shape, head looks that has to become very important, sufficient neck, little overweight today, but topline is solid, angulation at front and rear are correct, wonderful condition of coat, needs to loose couple of kilos, tail carriage is high, movement is correct but rolling very much


Amon The Wonderful Black Bear
ROI 23/44142 / 31.12.2022

mladých / PES / černá
otec: Podo Black Rainbow
matka: Ambar
chovatel: Francesco Cibelli, Sala Consilina (I)
majitel: Francesco Cibelli, Sala Consilina (I)

18 months, masculine type, nice expression, head isnt mature but very masculine, very elegant, correct angulation front and rear, solid top line, very nice silhouette, movement is smooth and easy with good reach, excellent condition and showing

V1, CAJC, Junior Club Winner CZ

Lucian Savage Blow
CMKU/NF/7017/22/24 / 26.6.2022

mezitřída / PES / černá/čb/h
otec: Forrest Gump Crazy Cliff
matka: Gilli Savage Blow
chovatel: Martin Dudek, Rýmařov (CZ)
majitel: Vítězslav Koneczný, Kravaře (CZ)

2 years old, masculine in type, mismarked, beautiful head and excellent coat quality, proportions are nice but size is lacking, nervous dog, in movement tail is very high


Ilan of Sweet Dark Caramel
PKR.II-157738 / 12.6.2022

mezitřída / PES / černá
otec: King of Helluland Everythingwill Begin
matka: Joy Tobeloved Midnight Bear
chovatel: Ioan Danut Silvas, (RO)
majitel: Szymon Kubel, Granowo (PL)

2 years old, in type, masculine, but lacking in substance, even if the bones are very nice and matching very well the size of the dog, two points correct proportions seen from the side view, narrow from the front view, movement is correct with good reach, I hope that will improve in size


Ursinus Velutus King Of The Ring
SLRNF-002213 / 14.3.2022

otevřená / PES / černá
otec: Bowater's Paramount Here I Am at Daybreakers
matka: Ursinus Velutus Euphoria
chovatel: Oton Fantur, Ljubljana (SLO)
majitel: Oton Fantur, Ljubljana (SLO)

Very masculine, excellent type, strong male with important head, correct expression, enough neck, excellent bone, chest is correct, excellent angulation for rear, excellent coat quality with slight waves on the top, movement is easy and smooth with excellent reach, excellent general conditions, excellently handled, easy temperament

V1, CAC, Club Winner CZ, BOS

Uggo Jess Black Denis
CMKU/NF/6852/21 / 14.5.2021

otevřená / PES / černá
otec: Njufort Instinct Winner Knight Itus
matka: Paola Jess Black Denis
chovatel: Jiřina Denisovová, Kovářská (CZ)
majitel: Romana Krnčanová Klamárová, Vráble (SK)

3 years old, correct type, very sweet expression, compact size, enough chest, enough bone, topline is solid, but the croup is little bit higher, maybe lack of angulation in front rear, excellent coat quality and conditions, movement is easy, but he has to slim down a bit


New Knights Faundland Asombroso Only
SPKP 2278 / 15.8.2021

otevřená / PES / černá/h/š
otec: King of Helluland Veni Vidi Vici
matka: Njufort Ovation Goldie Knight
chovatel: Gabriela Benedeková, Dlhá (SK)
majitel: Gabriela Benedeková, Dlhá (SK) + Ľudovít Šándor, Bratislava (SK)

In type masculine, very good size, sweet expression, correctly build with no exces, everything is where it has to be, I would like little bit more angulation and darker eyes, but overall very nice dog to watch, coat condition excellent as well as a quality, movement is easy with good reach with no effort


Falkon Sextus Sensu
PKR.II-132964 / 24.1.2018

otevřená / PES / černá/h
otec: Vancouver for Shadow's Eternity
matka: Histeria Sextus Sensu
chovatel: Przemyslaw Wlodarczak, Czmoń (PL)
majitel: Mariusz Wachowiak, Granowo (PL) + Slawomir Wachowiak, (PL)

5 years, in type, masculine, eyes could be darker but correct expression is there, very massive head, excellent bones, compact strong dog, not so elegant in general talking but solid, excellent coat quality, movement is okay just would like to see more power in his back, but still nice dog


Empower vom Riesrand
DNK 50914 / 10.7.2021

otevřená / PES / černá
otec: Darkflight s Irving For Riesrand
matka: Ward Mary Bär vom Gelderland
chovatel: Evi Grosshauser, Hainsfarth (D)
majitel: Ines Fillies, Velten (D)

2 years 8 months, masculine in type, small size but powerfull, enough bone, little long in body, excellent coat quality, angulation in front rear bit more, general expression is pleasing, movement is easy but closing with the back legs


Darkflight High Hopes Chariboo
PKR.II-145862 / 7.8.2020

otevřená / PES / černá
otec: Cristalmar Mixed Emotion at Ursinus Velutus
matka: Darkflight Itta
chovatel: Varvara Rybalova, (RUS)
majitel: Ewa Wnuk, Wodzislaw Ślaski (PL)

3 years old, very masculine in type, excellent size, excellent bones, ears are bit heavy, but the substance is impressing me a lot, very good angulation front and rear, good coat quality and conditions, strong dog, full of power evident even in his movement


Beast Alhaboom
CMKU/NF/6914/21/23 / 15.11.2021

otevřená / PES / černobílá
otec: Akvian Song Endorphin
matka: Elise Logrus
chovatel: Michaela Kollertová, Police nad Metují (CZ)
majitel: Václav Berounský, Žďár nad Orlicí (CZ) + Eva Otrubová, Žďár nad Orlicí (CZ)

2,5 years, black and white, masculine in type, correct head and expression, enough neck, excellent bones for the size, correct angulations in front and rear, solid topline, correct croup, could have more white, but the white is clean just few tickings, is still nice to watch, movement is effortless and very easy, nice to watch, in good conditions and good handled

V2, res. CAC

Balu Una Mirada FCI
PKR.II-144255 / 22.2.2021

otevřená / PES / černá
otec: Pacyfik Bis Duet Wichrowe Laki
matka: Norkros Una Mirada
chovatel: Anna Nagaj, Chocianów (PL)
majitel: Piotr Krupinski, Dabrowa Gornicza (PL) + Katarzyna Krupinska, Dabrowa Gornicza (PL)

3 years, masculine in type, correct expression, neck could be more elegant, excellent bone for the size, angulation in front and rear are enough, could be better to have more especially in the back, tail set is little high, movement is easy and smooth, is with the characteristically carrying tail little high, excellent coat conditions and preparations


Reggae Man de la Baie de Pempoul
LOF 2 T.N. 56790/7661 / 10.10.2020

vítězů / PES / černá
otec: Noir Desir de la Baie de Pempoul
matka: Neroli de la Baie de Pempoul
chovatel: Patrice Le Rest, Plémy (F)
majitel: Patrice Le Rest, Plémy (F)

3,5 years, correct type, masculine small size, bite could be better, expression is very sweet, very good proportions, very elegant, excellent bones, correct angullation from rear, solid topline, excellent coat quality, could be more body on him, but generally very pleasing, excellent movement and excellent general condition, excellent handled


Pour Que l'Histoire Continue du Domaine du Taennchel
LOF 2 TN 55573 / 13.7.2019

vítězů / PES / černá
otec: Hans Andersen du Domaine du Taennchel
matka: Legende d'Automne du Domaine du Taennchel
chovatel: Olivier Michel, Thannenkirch (F)
majitel: Olivier Michel, Thannenkirch (F)

5 years old, masculine type, correct bite, compact dog, good size, could have more chest, expression reminds me of old style dog, but still correct and sweet, very solid, neck is not so long but still elegant, correct angulation front and rear, excellent coat quality and conditions, movement is more that easy, very well kept dog and presented


Norkros Zanzibar
PKR.II-145586 / 1.2.2021

vítězů / PES / černá
otec: Pacyfik Bis Duet Wichrowe Laki
matka: Norkros Ultramarine
chovatel: Elzbieta Kusinska-Leontiew, Zielonki Parcela (PL)
majitel: Piotr Chrobot, Lodz (PL)

3 years old, good type masculine, of good size, excellent dark eyes, good propotion overall, excellent bone, looks very powerful, with excellent coat quality and conditions, very easy movement, very gentle temperament, excellent overall conditions and attitude


New Knights Faundland Azarias Saint Boy
CMKU/NF/6937/-21/21/23 / 15.8.2021

vítězů / PES / černá/h
otec: King of Helluland Veni Vidi Vici
matka: Njufort Ovation Goldie Knight
chovatel: Gabriela Benedeková, Dlhá (SK)
majitel: Karel Kukleta, Brno (CZ) + Monika Kukletová, Brno (CZ)

2,5 years old, very masculine good type, medium size, excellent bone, good angulation front and rear, solid topline, excellent coat quality, little overweight today but apart from this conditions are fine, movement is easy but tail is carried high


Neska Polita's Prince of the Universe
NZB 50744 / 26.6.2020

vítězů / PES / černá
otec: Twillin Gate Oulare Souleyman
matka: Neska Polita's Killing Me Softly
chovatel: Wilfried Kuhnen, Essen (D)
majitel: Wilfried Kuhnen, Essen (D)

4 years old, masculine in type, eyes could be darker, sweet expression, angulations in front and rear are correct, solid topline, croup is little short with setting of tail little high, beautiful bones, super nice quality of the coat, nice old style male, moves in the perfect shape if you forgive carriage of the tail, so powerfull in his back


My Way Or The Highway Ten Little Nigres
HR 10631 NF / 25.12.2019

vítězů / PES / černá
otec: Midnight Lady's Bombastic
matka: Je T'Adore Ten Little Nigres
chovatel: Ljiljana Duk-Pavelić, Pisarovina (CRO)
majitel: Ljiljana Duk-Pavelić, Pisarovina (CRO)


King of Helluland Valentino II.
CMKU/NF/6701/-19/19/21 / 21.8.2019

vítězů / PES / černá
otec: King of Helluland You Are The Best
matka: Seabrook Magic Moment
chovatel: Soňa Kročková, Malacky (SK)
majitel: Alfred Hollesch, Kravaře II (CZ) + Gabriela Holleschová, Kravaře II (CZ)

5 years old, good type masculine, excellent bones, for the size that is small little long in body, very rich coat of good quality, solid dog that moves very well, nicely presented


King of Helluland Prime Time
SPKP 2112 / 9.1.2018

vítězů / PES / černá
otec: King of Helluland Duke Of Heaven
matka: King of Helluland God Save The Queen
chovatel: Soňa Kročková, Malacky (SK)
majitel: Jarmila Polakovičová, Bratislava (SK)

6,5 years, good type, masculine, correct expression, correct bones for small sized dog, little long in body, very solid topline, correct angulation, excellent coat quality, would like to see little more neck to give him more elegance, movement is smooth and easy with good carriage, gentle temperament, nice handled


Joker Cancrimo
PKR.II-155398 / 6.9.2021

vítězů / PES / hnědá
otec: Sent-Djons Zeus
matka: Kokaina Cancrimo
chovatel: Maja Moczko, Jelowa (PL)
majitel: Maja Moczko, Jelowa (PL)

3 years old, brown dog, excellent type, very masculine, bite could be better, elegant neck, excellent bode for the size, excellent angulation front and rear, solid topline, excellent coat colour and quality, excellent mover, power with effortless, very well trained and handled

V2, res. CAC

Bowater's Paramount Here I Am at Daybreakers
AKC WS 71726202 / 28.11.2020

vítězů / PES / černá
otec: Pouch Cove's Where There Is A Way Cayuga
matka: Bowater's Paramount Playing for Keeps
chovatel: Debra Sylvester, (USA)
majitel: Maciej Ziólkowski, Kraków (PL)

3,5 years old, compact, masculine male, very nice expression even if the eyes could be darker, strong dog with excellent bones, medium to small size but full of power, very rich coat of excellent quality, correct angulation front and rear, movement is bit narrow with back legs, and little lazy today, but pleasure to watch anyway


Balduf Black New Denis Bear
SPKP 1915 / 23.5.2014

veteránů / PES / černá/čb
otec: Vidar Black Denis Faundland
matka: Nelly Faundland
chovatel: Jaroslav Denisov, Kovářská (CZ)
majitel: Gabriela Benedeková, Dlhá (SK)

10 years old, super nice male dog, in excellent conditions, excellent bones, nice size with very compact and solid top, coat in wonderfull conditions, is a pleasure for my heart to see 10 years old dog in this conditions that moves in this way, congratulations from the deep of my heart

V1, Veteran Club Winner CZ, BOV

Forrest Gump Crazy Cliff
CMKU/NF/6658/19/21 / 20.8.2019

čestná / PES / černá/čb/h
otec: Black Boomer Angels Gaboo
matka: Aquatoriya Kelvin Isedge Of Glory
chovatel: Anita Vlčková, Trutnov (CZ)
majitel: Anita Vlčková, Trutnov (CZ)

Almost 5 years old, correct type, nice bite, very compact dog, very strong, like to see more neck on him, but very nice overall, movement is very nice and pleasing, good coat quality, excellent dog


Dorien De Shawn z Povodí Svratky
CMKU/NF/6324/16/18 / 5.6.2016

čestná / PES / černá
otec: King of Helluland Over The Top
matka: Ali Mou Just One Dream
chovatel: Hana Vlachová, Brno (CZ)
majitel: Radka Skýpalová, Zašová (CZ)


Zara Jess Black Denis
CMKU/NF/7130/23 / 26.12.2023

štěňat / FENA / černá
otec: Darkflight High Hopes Chariboo
matka: Paola Jess Black Denis
chovatel: Jiřina Denisovová, Kovářská (CZ)
majitel: Jana Hromadová, Havraň (CZ)

4 months old black female, very good size for the age, typical feminine head, dark brown eyes, good ear set, for the age very good angulations, very good movement for the age, good groomed, very good handled, nice temperament

Very Promissing 3

Chilli Crazy Cliff
CMKU/NF/7139/23 / 28.12.2023

štěňat / FENA / hnědá
otec: Made In Slovenia Family Joy
matka: Golden Girl Crazy Cliff
chovatel: Anita Vlčková, Trutnov (CZ)
majitel: Anita Vlčková, Trutnov (CZ)

4,5 months old brown female, typical head, good eye colour for brown, correct bite, for the age very good angulation, for that age very good movement, well groomed, very good handled, nice temperament

Very Promissing 4

Dolores Cancrimo Pogodne Serce
/ 30.11.2023

štěňat / FENA / černá/čb
otec: Lexus Cancrimo
matka: Bella Pogodne Serce
chovatel: Agnieszka Pogoda, (PL)
majitel: Maja Moczko, Jelowa (PL)

Nearly 6 months old black female, at the moment perfect head, and for that age excellent angulation, very well boned, for that age perfect movement, excellent grooming, a little bit white at the chest, very nice temperament, excellent handling

Very Promissing 1, Best Baby

Dewi B. Angels Gaboo
CMKU/NF/7147/24 / 2.1.2024

štěňat / FENA / černá/čb/h
otec: Forrest Gump Crazy Cliff
matka: Angie Gaboo Alhaboom
chovatel: Lenka Fejtová, Hradec nad Moravicí (CZ)
majitel: Lenka Fejtová, Hradec nad Moravicí (CZ)

4 months old black bitch, excellent feminine head, good size for that age, very good angulations, for the type very well boned, perfect movement for that age, very well groomed and perfect handled, very nice temperament

Very Promissing 2

Aisha Queen of Moravia
CMKU/NF/7124/23 / 17.12.2023

štěňat / FENA / černá
otec: George Young Hero Eref
matka: Amalka Czekoladowa Zagroda
chovatel: Erika Uhlířová, Závist (CZ)
majitel: Blanka Garafiová, Říčany (CZ)

5 month old black female, nice feminine head, good angulations, very well boned, for that age good movement, she dont feel well in the ring but it is a matter of age, good groomed, need more training.

Very Promissing

Nandi van het Stolzhof
NHSB 3316274 / 8.9.2023

dorost / FENA / černá
otec: Maróteam Simon
matka: Oraya du Domaine du Taennchel
chovatel: Renate Bloem-Lubbes, Hoogkarspel (NL)
majitel: Renate Bloem-Lubbes, Hoogkarspel (NL)

8 months old black bitch, nice feminine head, dark brown eyes, correct bite, for that age very good size, very good angulations, would like to see a bit more bone structure, it is that age, movement is correct with a happy tail, well groomed, well handled, and a lot of temperament

Very Promissing 3

Cassiopea Alhaboom
CMKU/NF/7094/23 / 6.9.2023

dorost / FENA / černobílá
otec: Newetta's Tatooed As A Masterpiece
matka: Elise Logrus
chovatel: Michaela Kollertová, Police nad Metují (CZ)
majitel: Michaela Kollertová, Police nad Metují (CZ)

8 months old white and black female, markings near the standard, correct bite, dark eyes, very good angulation, very well groomed, good movement but a bit close in the rear, nice temperament

Very Promissing 2

Areta Roklan od Čerchova
CMKU/NF/7100/23 / 5.10.2023

dorost / FENA / černá
otec: Foreman Eref
matka: Carmen Czech Black Berry
chovatel: Ivana Balíčková, Domažlice (CZ)
majitel: Veronika Fucimanová, Ostrava - Zábřeh (CZ)

7 months old black female, typical feminine head, correct bite, dark brown eyes, for the size very well angulation, and good bone structure, very good movement for that age, very well handled, a lot of temperament

Very Promissing 1

Misty Savage Blow
CMKU/NF/7085/23 / 28.5.2023

mladých / FENA / černá
otec: Golden Bear Eref
matka: I am Savage Blow
chovatel: Martin Dudek, Rýmařov (CZ)
majitel: Jiří Krška, Brno - venkov (CZ)

11 months old black female, very good feminine head, correct bite, eyes could be a bit darker, very good angulations for that age, for that age very good movement, nice temperament, well groomed and handled

Excellent 3

Mini Me Ten Little Nobles
HR 10668 NF / 26.12.2022

mladých / FENA / černá
otec: My Way Or The Highway Ten Little Nigres
matka: Cayuga Now And Forever
chovatel: Ljiljana Duk-Pavelić, Pisarovina (CRO)
majitel: Ljiljana Duk-Pavelić, Pisarovina (CRO)


King of Helluland Lotus Blossom
SPKP 2415 / 26.4.2023

mladých / FENA / černá
otec: King of Helluland Great I Am
matka: King of Helluland Bond Girl
chovatel: Soňa Kročková, Malacky (SK)
majitel: Alice Antalová, Ostrava - Stará Bělá (CZ)

13 months old black female, perfect head, correct bite, dark eyes, very well angulated, very well boned, correct movement, good tail set, well groomed, well handled, nice temperament

Excellent 2

Hope Étoile Renesmée
CMKU/NF/7070/23 / 1.4.2023

mladých / FENA / hnědá
otec: Sent-Djons Zeus
matka: Isabelle iz Zamka Melvin
chovatel: Adéla Martínková, Svitavy (CZ)
majitel: Lukáš Hruška, Opava - Vávrovice (CZ)

13 months old brown female, typical head, a little light eyes, loosing coat at the moment, very good angulation, for that age good movement, for that age well boned, lot of temperament, well groomed, well handled

Excellent 4

Daybreaker's You Got Me Saying Wow
PKR.II-159417 / 12.2.2023

mladých / FENA / černá
otec: Bowater's Paramount Here I Am at Daybreakers
matka: Daybreaker's So Am I Spellbinder
chovatel: Maciej Ziólkowski, Kraków (PL)
majitel: Maciej Ziólkowski, Kraków (PL)

15 months old black female, with a perfect head, for that age strong topline, very good forechest, well angulated, perfect groomed, perfect movement, very well handled, perfect temperament

Excellent 1, CAJC, Junior Club Winner CZ, BOJ

Winnie Jess Black Denis
CMKU/NF/7039/22/24 / 10.9.2022

mezitřída / FENA / černá/čb
otec: Napoleon Black Denis
matka: Ria Jess Black Denis
chovatel: Jiřina Denisovová, Kovářská (CZ)
majitel: Jiřina Páchová, Bor (CZ)

20 months old black female, with a bit too much white, good head, good eye colour, good ear set, topline should be a little bit stronger, she needs to loose weight, good angulations, good bone structure, for the weight good movement, well groomed, nice temperament, very well handled

Very Good

Wally Jess Black Denis
CMKU/NF/7037/22 / 10.9.2022

mezitřída / FENA / černobílá
otec: Napoleon Black Denis
matka: Ria Jess Black Denis
chovatel: Jiřina Denisovová, Kovářská (CZ)
majitel: Jiřina Denisovová, Kovářská (CZ)

20 months old white and black female, feminine head, good eye colour, correct bite, a lot of tickings in the white, strong topline, very good angulation, for the type well groomed, moves very well, nice temperament, very well handled


Sensitivity Bliss (FCI) Amber
PKR.II-160163 / 16.8.2022

mezitřída / FENA / černá
otec: Piece Of Heaven At Ba-Ula Tender Ebony
matka: Sensitivity Bliss Rose Lee With Lindgreave
chovatel: Monika Miluśka, Kalisz (PL)
majitel: Monika Miluśka, Kalisz (PL)

21 months old black female, correct head, correct eyes, corect bite, strong topline, very good angulation, very well groomed, correct movement, very well handled


Miss Linoy van het Stolzhof
NHSB 3280146 / 12.7.2022

mezitřída / FENA / černá
otec: Mount Pearl's Mister Nash
matka: Oraya du Domaine du Taennchel
chovatel: Renate Bloem-Lubbes, Hoogkarspel (NL)
majitel: Renate Bloem-Lubbes, Hoogkarspel (NL)

22 months old black female, typical feminine head, dark eyes, correct bite, strong topline, well angulated, very good bone structure, correct movement, very well groomed and very well handled, nice temperament

Excellent 4

Maróteam Goes to Black Smith
MET.Uf.571/23 / 8.9.2022

mezitřída / FENA / černá
otec: Reggae Man de la Baie de Pempoul
matka: Dark Shadows of Hungary Flower
chovatel: Gábor Maróti, Budapest (H)
majitel: Gábor Maróti, Budapest (H)

Almost 21 months old black female, correct head, eye set could be a little bit better, strong topline, perfect angulations, very well boned, correct movement, very well groomed, very well handled, nice temperament

Excellent 2, res.CAC

L'Anse aux Green Meadows Campagnola
VND 22041 / 30.9.2022

mezitřída / FENA / černá
otec: Noir Desir de la Baie de Pempoul
matka: Maróteam Shine
chovatel: Gianna Niemann, Bad Rothenfelde (D)
majitel: Peter Rieck, Berlin (D) + Nicole Rieck, Berlin (D)

19 months old black female, perfect head, strong topline, very good angulation, very well boned, perfect movement, very well groomed, very well handled, very nice temperament

Excellent 1, CAC

Lanai Savage Blow
CMKU/NF/7021/22/24 / 26.6.2022

mezitřída / FENA / černá
otec: Forrest Gump Crazy Cliff
matka: Gilli Savage Blow
chovatel: Martin Dudek, Rýmařov (CZ)
majitel: Jiří Krška, Brno - venkov (CZ)

22 months old female, typical head, dark eyes, correct bite, strong topline, correct angulations, very well boned, correct movement with a happy tail, very well groomed, well handled, nice temperament

Excellent 3

Chiméra the Battlefield of the three Emperors
CMKU/NF/7031/22/24 / 10.7.2022

mezitřída / FENA / černá/čb
otec: Bonaparte the Battlefield of the three Emperors
matka: Patty Jess Black Denis
chovatel: Jana Šlesingerová, Křenovice (CZ)
majitel: Jana Šlesingerová, Křenovice (CZ)

22 months old black bitch, good head, dark brown eyes, good topline, good angulation, very well groomed, after trying several times movement is ok, good handled, lot of temperament

Very good

Glorie Étoile Renesmée
CMKU/NF/7044/22 / 17.9.2022

mezitřída / FENA / hnědá
otec: Sent-Djons Zeus
matka: Isabelle iz Zamka Melvin
chovatel: Adéla Martínková, Svitavy (CZ)
majitel: Šárka Venclíková, Bílovec (CZ)

20 months old brown bitch, nice head, light eyes, at the moment sadly not correct bite, strong topline, good angulations, for the type good bone structure, movement is ok, very well groomed, good handled but the dog would not like to move really good

Very Good

Valkýra Jess Black Denis
CMKU/NF/7007/22 / 22.6.2022

otevřená / FENA / černá
otec: King of Helluland Valentino II.
matka: Paola Jess Black Denis
chovatel: Jiřina Denisovová, Kovářská (CZ)
majitel: Jiřina Denisovová, Kovářská (CZ)

2 years old black female, typical head, dark eyes, correct bite, good topline, perfect angulations, strong bone structure, good movement, but a little bit loose in the elbows, good groomed, very well handled, very nice temperament


Trinity's Ingelosi Encane
CMKU/NF/6695/-19/19 / 7.8.2019

otevřená / FENA / hnědá
otec: Darkflight s Irving For Riesrand
matka: Trinity's Hattie
chovatel: Anke Zimmermann, Wasbeck (D)
majitel: Margrueta van Wyk, Praha - Veliká Ves (CZ)

4 years olod brown female, very nice head, good eye colour for brown, good bite, strong topline, very good angulation, good bone structure, very good movement but a little bit close in the rear, beautiful colour, well groomed, very well handled, nice temperament

Excellent 2, res.CAC

Smoothie de La Baie de Pempoul
LOF 2 T.N. 57930 / 12.10.2021

otevřená / FENA / černá
otec: Ringo de la Baie de Pempoul
matka: Noixde Coco de La Baie de Pempoul
chovatel: Patrice Le Rest, Plémy (F)
majitel: Patrice Le Rest, Plémy (F)

2,5 years old black female, perfect head, dark eyes, correct bite, strong topline, perfect angulations, very well boned, strong bone structure, perfect movement, perfect groomed, and perfect handled, very nice temperament

Excellent 1, CAC

Chelly Savage Blow
CMKU/NF/6741/20 / 20.3.2020

otevřená / FENA / černá
otec: Dorien De Shawn z Povodí Svratky
matka: Tiffany od Trojské skály
chovatel: Martin Dudek, Rýmařov (CZ)
majitel: Martin Dudek, Rýmařov (CZ) + Vladimíra Dudková, Rýmařov (CZ)

4 years old black female, typical head, dark brown eyes, correct bite, strong topline, very good angulation, very well boned, very good movement, very well groomed and very well handled, very nice temperament

Excellent 4

Charlie Angel Black Koralle
CMKU/NF/6647/19/21 / 14.6.2019

otevřená / FENA / černá
otec: King of Helluland Kennedy
matka: Twillin Gate Queen of My Heart
chovatel: Alfred Hollesch, Kravaře II (CZ)
majitel: Karel Ryba, Opava 5 (CZ) + Drahomíra Rybová, Opava 5 (CZ)

Nearly 5 years old black bitch, dark brown eyes, correct bite, correct topline and correct angulations, good bone, very well groomed, moves very well, little white at chest, well handled, very nice temperament


Farah Black Rainbow di Borgoleonardo
ROI 22/53444 / 6.1.2022

otevřená / FENA / černá
otec: Cristalmar Newfy You Tube at Ursinus Velutus
matka: Nancyblack
chovatel: Guido Mazza, (I)
majitel: Luigi Robustelli, Pellezanno (I)

2 years old black female, typical head, good eye colour, correct bite, strong topline, perfect angulation, very good bone structure, very well groomed, moves very well with a happy tail, perfect handling, nice temperament

Excellent 3

Darkflight Black Perl
CMKU/NF/6983/-22/21/24 / 31.12.2021

otevřená / FENA / černá
otec: Cristalmar Mixed Emotion at Ursinus Velutus
matka: Darkflight Regina
chovatel: Varvara Rybalova, (RUS)
majitel: Klára Strnadlová, Teplice nad Bečvou (CZ)

29 months old very big black female, strong head, eye set could be a little bit better, correct bite, good topline, very good angulations, good bones, for the size very well groomed, the movement is ok, well handled, nice temperament


Bossorca A little bit of Heaven on the Earth
CMKU/NF/6864/21/23 / 16.5.2021

otevřená / FENA / černá
otec: Mississippi-Missouri Zeno
matka: Bambulina Buf z Mokrovous
chovatel: Petra Audová, Brno (CZ)
majitel: Zita Bumbová, Třeboň (CZ)

3 years old black female, good eyes, good size, correct bite, strong topline, for the size very well angulated, very good bone structure, the rib bone could be a bit more, movement is ok but a little close in the rear and loose in the elbow at the moment, a little wavy hair on the back, well groomed and very well handled


Blue Sky Alhaboom
CMKU/NF/6918/21/23 / 15.11.2021

otevřená / FENA / černobílá
otec: Akvian Song Endorphin
matka: Elise Logrus
chovatel: Michaela Kollertová, Police nad Metují (CZ)
majitel: Michaela Kollertová, Police nad Metují (CZ)

2,5 years old white and black female, markings near the standard, and nearly no tickings in the white, dark brown eyes, edge on edge bite (level bite), strong topline, for the size very good bone structure, very well angulated, good movement with a very very happy tail, very well groomed, very well handled, nice temperament


Benjamina A little bit of Heaven on the Earth
CMKU/NF/6863/21 / 16.5.2021

otevřená / FENA / černá
otec: Mississippi-Missouri Zeno
matka: Bambulina Buf z Mokrovous
chovatel: Petra Audová, Brno (CZ)
majitel: Petra Audová, Brno (CZ)

3 years old black female, feminine head, dark brown eyes, not really correct bite (cannot close), strong topline, for the size very good angulations and well boned, the rib bone should be better, movement is ok but close in the rear and very narrow in the front, little wavy hair on the back, very well groomed, very well handled, nice temperament

Very Good

Ursinus Velutus It's Goodtobe Queen
SLRNF-002176 / 28.1.2021

vítězů / FENA / černá
otec: King of Helluland Kennedy
matka: Ursinus Velutus Drama Queen
chovatel: Oton Fantur, Ljubljana (SLO)
majitel: Oton Fantur, Ljubljana (SLO)

3 years old female in perfect condition, excellent head, dark brown eyes, correct bite, strong topline, excellent angulation and excellent bone structure, excellent movement, very well groomed, perfect handled and very nice temperament

Excellent 1, CAC, Club Winner CZ, BOB

Sexy Bomb The Magic Bear Is Born
LOF 2 T.N.57950/10320 / 9.11.2021

vítězů / FENA / černá/čb
otec: Oukaya Forever Le Grand Ami For-Akvian-Song
matka: Rose'Wanted Pretty Woman
chovatel: Jerome Couadier, Bauvin (F)
majitel: Jerome Couadier, Bauvin (F)

3 years old black female, strong head, dark eyes, correct bite, strong topline, excellent angulation, very good bone, a little bit white on the chest, excellent movement, perfect groomed and handled, nice temperament

Excellent 3

Sensitivity Bliss Rose Lee With Lindgreave
PKR.II-134814 / 12.6.2018

vítězů / FENA / černá
otec: Lalek Junior Ba-Ula
matka: Midnight Lady's Make A Wish At Sensitivity
chovatel: Monika Miluśka, Kalisz (PL)
majitel: Monika Miluśka, Kalisz (PL)

6 years old black female, typical head, dark eyes, correct bite, strong topline, correct angulations, should have a bit more in rib bone, for the size well boned, a little white on the chest, moves very well, very well groomed and handled, nice temperament


Maróteam Shine
MET.Uf. 282/18 / 19.4.2018

vítězů / FENA / černá
otec: Skipper's Aramis
matka: Maróteam Venus
chovatel: Gábor Maróti, Budapest (H)
majitel: Peter Rieck, Berlin (D) + Nicole Rieck, Berlin (D)

6 years old black female, typical head, dark eyes, correct bite, good front and topline, correct angulation, well boned, very good movement, very well groomed and handled, nice temperament


King of Helluland Glitter And Gold
CMKU/NF/7032/-22/22/23 / 3.3.2022

vítězů / FENA / černá
otec: King of Helluland Baldinini
matka: Seabrook Magic Moment
chovatel: Soňa Kročková, Malacky (SK)
majitel: Alfred Hollesch, Kravaře II (CZ) + Gabriela Holleschová, Kravaře II (CZ)

2 years old black female, correct head, dark brown eyes, correct bite, strong topline, excellent angulations, very well boned, excellent movement, well groomed, very well presented, nice temperament

Excellent 4

I am Savage Blow
CMKU/NF/6790/20/22 / 24.8.2020

vítězů / FENA / černá
otec: Balduf Black New Denis Bear
matka: Ella Savage Blow
chovatel: Martin Dudek, Rýmařov (CZ)
majitel: Martin Dudek, Rýmařov (CZ) + Vladimíra Dudková, Rýmařov (CZ)

3,5 years old black bitch, correct head, dark brown eyes, correct bite, strong topline, well boned, excellent movement, very well groomed, very well handled, nice temperament


Garda Kraina Jutra (FCI)
PKR.II-155958 / 9.2.2022

vítězů / FENA / černá
otec: Obush Shed Zhet
matka: Idalia Beautiful Great Dane
chovatel: Kajetan Paszek, Damaslawek (PL)
majitel: Izabela Lech-Czaczyk, Jarocin (PL)

2 years 3 months old black female, nice head, dark brown eyes, correct bite, strong topline, excellent angulation, very well boned, very good movement, well groomed, well handled, nice temperament


Dark Shadows of Hungary Halley
MET.Uf.553/22 / 9.9.2022

vítězů / FENA / černá
otec: Maróteam Simon
matka: Dark Shadows Of Hungary Casey
chovatel: László Kovács, Örkény (H)
majitel: Gábor Maróti, Budapest (H)

2 years old black female, excellent sized bitch, typical head, dark brown eyes, correct bite, strong topline, excellent angulation, excellent bones, excellent movement, very well groomed, excellent presented, very nice temperament

Excellent 2, res.CAC

Ebby Black Koralle
CMKU/NF/5994/13/15 / 13.4.2013

veteránů / FENA / černá
otec: Crash Bandicoot Black Koralle
matka: Bonie Black Koralle
chovatel: Alfred Hollesch, Kravaře II (CZ)
majitel: Lucie Výstupová, Kunovice (CZ)

11 years old black lady, nice head, dark eyes, for the age good bite and a strong topline, very good angulations, very well boned, for that age perfect movement, very well groomed and handled, nice temperament, I hope she will have a lot of more years with the owner

Excellent 1, Veteran Club Winner CZ

Connie Jizerská Dolina
CMKU/NF/6180/15/17 / 13.1.2015

veteránů / FENA / černá
otec: Balú z Povodí Svratky
matka: Laura od Trojské skály
chovatel: Eva Bechyňová, Bakov nad Jizerou (CZ)
majitel: Jaromíra Hauserová, Osečná (CZ)

9 years 4 months old black lady, nice head, dark brown eyes, for the age correct bite, strong topline, very good angulations, for the type very well boned, very good movement, very well groomed, very well handled, nice temperament, I wish she will have a lot of years with the owner

Excellent 2

Belinda Jizerská dolina
CMKU/NF/6093/14/16 / 27.2.2014

veteránů / FENA / černá
otec: Caruso Queen Dannad
matka: Laura od Trojské skály
chovatel: Eva Bechyňová, Bakov nad Jizerou (CZ)
majitel: Eva Bechyňová, Bakov nad Jizerou (CZ)

10 years old black lady, nice head, dark brown eyes, for that age correct bite, good topline, good angulation, good bones, for that age movement is ok, well groomed, and nice handled, very good temperament, I hope she will have a lot of more years with the owner

Excellent 3

Gilli Savage Blow
CMKU/NF/6538/18/19 / 13.1.2018

čestná / FENA / černá/h
otec: Galahad Bär von der Ortenau
matka: Natalie-Bela od Trojské skály
chovatel: Martin Dudek, Rýmařov (CZ)
majitel: Martin Dudek, Rýmařov (CZ) + Vladimíra Dudková, Rýmařov (CZ)

6 years old black bitch, typical head, dark brown eyes, correct bite, strong topline, excellent angulation, very well boned, perfect movement, very well groomed, perfect handled, nice temperament

Excellent 2

Elise Logrus
CMKU/NF/6633/-19/18/20 / 6.11.2018

čestná / FENA / černobílá
otec: Cobra Commander
matka: Catch Beam From Hell Avanglion
chovatel: Anna Grabowska, Montegiorgio (FM) (I)
majitel: Michaela Kollertová, Police nad Metují (CZ)

5,5 years old white and black female, markings near the standard, without any tickings, very well angulated, and also very well boned, moves very well, well groomed, very well handled, nice temperament

Excellent 1